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Food for the Soul

Food for the Soul, devotionals to help you in your busy life, written by NEWIM board members and staff.

Filtering by Category: Theology

We May be Calling God Stupid and Not Realizing It

Kathy Collard Miller

Have you ever felt jealous of God’s choice of someone to fill a position you wanted? I have.

Have you ever felt disappointed because God chose a different path for you than you wanted? I have.

Have you ever felt angry because God allowed someone inferior to you to become your boss? I have.

I think everyone has felt jealous, disappointed, or angry at some time or another and yet I doubt any of us would have concluded we were calling God not very smart. Well, maybe I must confess I did realize it at the time—now that I think about it.

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God is All Knowing

Rachel Dutcher

Do you have a “Jesus’ spot”? A special chair or corner that you have designated for your quiet time, prayer, and Bible study? I do. I have a chair in my room with a small book shelf next to it. I have cups of pens and highlighters, several journals (each with their own purpose), my current Christian read (“The Signature of Jesus” for the 4th time,) and of course my Bible. It’s all very orderly. Maybe a better word is composed. 

I think I have the same system in my spirit. There is a composed version of myself I present to God.

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Our Everywhere Present God

Cindi McMenamin

I leaned my head against the window as the plane began to ascend.  

How long will I have to fly alone? I thought to myself, as I pushed my head harder against the window and felt that familiar tinge of loneliness. Another long flight by myself. Another lonely night in a hotel room. Another weekend of ministering to women, yet still feeling the burden of doing it alone.  

Even when you’re ministering to a room full of women, it can still feel lonely, and even overwhelming.  

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Our All-Powerful God Sustains

Kim Bagato

Glorious sunlight rose over the mountains, illuminating thunderous waterfalls lining Yosemite Valley. Early in the morning, before the crowds arrived, I sat in the meadow. My ears soaked in the sounds of birdsong. My eyes witnessed gravity pulling water down granite walls. My awe-struck soul marveled at God’s creativity and sustaining power.  

It had been a week. My dad passed away and four days later my dear friend, Jan, also passed. Grief paralyzed me. I needed to get out. I mean, I needed to get outside. Hence, the trip to Yosemite.  

As God sustains the mighty waterflow, he is sustaining us, even when we feel crushed under the weight of schedules, responsibilities, and grief. Life feels foggy sometimes. We feel overwhelmed and under-qualified to lead lives worth of the call of Christ. During those days, where do we turn? Where does our help come from? Who can we trust? 

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Seven Memorials for Walking Faithfully with God

Pam Farrell

We live in a world where we often feel like life has become topsy-turvey, as if we have fallen through the proverbial rabbit hole in Lewis Carroll’s Alice and Wonderland. I often find myself praying for the ability to see things more from heaven’s viewpoint.  I am comforted by the truth that God’s viewpoint, his judgments and actions are holy:

 “There is no one holy like the Lord,,,” (1 Samuel 2:2)

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