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Pastors' Wives (LAMBs) Retreat-Southern California (Newport Beach)

A Retreat for Pastors’ Wives

encouragment, rest, friendship, understanding

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27).

The Pastors' Wives or LAMBs (Loving Abbas Ministry Beloveds) weekend retreat is designed to give an intimate group of pastors' wives from all over the country the opportunity to come away for a weekend of rest, fellowship, renewal, worship, encouragement, beauty, wonder and the lavish love of Jesus. The weekend is hosted by NEWIM — there is no cost to the women. The retreat takes place at a private home on Balboa Island, CA.

If you are a pastor's wife or know of a pastor’s wife who would benefit from this retreat, please fill out an interest form by clicking "LAMBs Interest Form" below.

Selected women will receive a personal invitation.


The Next Retreat dates: April 25 - 27, 2025


woman in lawn chair looking at bay

The timing on this weekend was straight from God. I feel so seen and loved by Jesus to be invited for this time away. It has been so long since I have spent uninterrupted time with Jesus. It is hard to describe the powerful and intimate ways He met and encouraged me, knowing exactly what I needed at this moment in time. I have been restored and refreshed, as well as having gained new trusted and treasured friends and sisters in Christ who understand what it is to be a Pastor’s wife. I do not know how to ever thank you and all the people involved that made this retreat a reality." —participant 

What a sacred gift you have given me - space to sit with Jesus and heal, rest, remember, reset and trust again. Thank you for washing my feet literally & metaphorically. I am so grateful for your “yes” to God’s voice in your own life. This time and space was perfect in every detail and every way. Isaiah 52:7” —participant 

“I can not begin to thank you for the enormous blessing that you gave us this weekend. The Lord used you in amazing and specific ways to bless each one of us. Thank you for providing rest, encouragement and fellowship. Thank you for providing a safe and beautiful place for us to seek Jesus and be met by Him. Thank you for faithfully seeking His guidance in ALL of the details and in so doing, making this weekend just what I needed. Thank you for giving me this time to rest in His arms and be filled back up. He used all of you who have prayed for us in a mighty way, it has been life changing.” --participant


“I am writing to thank you so very much for allowing myself and other pastor’s wives the incredible opportunity to experience spiritual, physical, and mental refreshment after difficult seasons in Christian ministry. For myself, personally, a time away like this, in a location like this, and with Christian hostesses like this, would never ever be financially possible for me.

“The time away enables us to deal with and process the unique hurts, wounds, and hardships that accompany full-time pastoral ministry. We are able to do this in a safe place and with safe people who understand and have experienced similar things. As wives, we are often laboring in the shadows of our husbands and absorbing and feeling their hurts and heavy burdens along with our own. Your decision to invest in the lives of pastors’ wives through this ministry has an impact that reaches past our husbands and into the lives of the people in our congregations. Our husbands don’t persevere in ministry if we are unable to persevere.

“I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your financial contributions that allowed me to experience this unique and special time of healing, rejuvenation, and refreshing from fellow sisters and from God Himself! Your grace, generosity, and love are overwhelming and are whisperings of the abundant grace, generosity, and love our God has for all His children.”

We were brought right into the heart of the matter, showered with His lavish love…and our hearts have swelled. I praise God for your obedience, generosity & kindness for His lambs.
It encourages me to know that you will faithfully, in prayer and heart, support me…. I often have felt so alone in my battles. The Lord is so good and I am so grateful to have experienced His strong and mighty presence alongside of all of you.
It was a foretaste of the heavenly banquet and the unfettered communion of worship around the throne. It was a once in a lifetime experience that will feed me for many years.