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Life Coaching

 Meet with a Life Coach

NEWIM has secured an opportunity with Erin Schwab Coaching to offer accessible, personalized, life-coaching with flexible payment options—ensuring that financial concerns don’t stand in the way of receiving the support you need. Ministry is both deeply fulfilling and uniquely challenging, so take advantage of this opportunity. God never intended that we should walk alone.

Coaching Approach

Erin helps individuals and leaders:

  • Gain clarity and make intentional decisions

  • Manage ministry challenges and transitions

  • Navigate family dynamics and friendships

  • Balance personal, ministry, and family responsibilities while growing in spiritual and emotional well-being.

Erin loves to empower women to:

  • Overcome obstacles and embrace God’s mercy

  • Strengthen their identity as God’s beloved

  • Thrive in their God-given calling with joy, grace, and confidence.

With 31 years of experience as a pastor’s wife, Erin understands the complex realities of ministry life and brings a deep, personal understanding to her coaching work.

If you’re transitioning to a new role, navigating ministry challenges, balancing various responsibilities, seeking clarity in your calling, or looking for encouragement to begin new practices, this opportunity allows you to receive grace-filled coaching at a rate that aligns with your budget.

Coaching Fees & Payment Information

Erin Schwab Coaching offers gospel-centered life coaching at a reduced rate of $75 per session (compared to the typical rate of $150–$200 per session). However, thanks to a generous grant Erin received, clients can pay a rate based on what they can afford, with a minimum fee of $25 per session.

The first step is to schedule an initial free 30-minute discovery session to discuss your coaching goals, and determine if life coaching is the right fit for you.

You don’t have to walk alone. By meeting with Erin you will find the support you need to navigate challenges, manage transitions and see your way through spiritual fatigue. Erin is available to come alongside so you can lead well and serve with renewed strength.

Let’s connect! 

Check out Erin’s website:

Complete the application on her website. Then use the link to schedule a free 30-minute discovery session with Erin to explore how coaching can help you reach your goals.

If you have additional questions, send us an email: