Silent Retreats Guides
Guides to Use During a Silent Retreat
Advent Gathering: Light of the World
Free Downloadable Silent Retreat Guide by Traci Martin
Advent is a time of preparation – joyful and purposeful. When calendars are already full, or resources are stretched to capacity, Christmas feels stressful, not joyful. For many women, Christmas preparations simply mean an even longer list of things to do. But Advent reminds us that we are invited into a life that is more than what we do. It reminds us of whose we are. Advent is the Lord’s invitation to be alone with Him, to quiet your spirit, and experience His arrival. Yes, it is counterintuitive to the hustle and bustle, but that is precisely the preparations we personally need to prepare Him room. The greatest gift you can give to the Lord is a pure heart ready to receive and give love fully. Use the Scripture, quotes, and questions in this booklet to guide your thoughts deeper into God’s heart by examining your own.
Traci Martin is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary with a Masters in Christian Leadership. Following a decade in corporate America and 25 years as a business owner, she followed God’s calling into full-time ministry. From 2012-2021, Traci went from working part-time for a Bible study ministry to being the president. Through all of her experiences, she saw the need of support for Christian women, especially those who serve God. Having a desire to help address this need led to her involvement with NEWIM. Traci serves on the Board.
traci@teachingsbytraci.com www.teachingsbytraci.com
Abiding In Rest
Free Downloadable Silent Retreat Guide by Betsy Cockrell
The spiritual practice of withdrawing for a time of concentrated companionship with God has been modeled to us throughout the Bible. As we surrender ourselves and become fully present to God, he receives us completely.
Why the practice of silence? Psalm 46:10 answers, Be still and know that I am God. Silence fosters stillness, and in stillness, you create the space to be present to God, to know him more fully, and be awakened to his call.
Betsy Cockrell and her husband, Doug, co-founded Abundant Life Ranch in Reedley, CA. Utilizing horses and the ranching lifestyle, they teach life skills and relational health, sharing the belief that everyone is created for a purpose.
Betsy uses the tools and teachings she has learned through her times at NEWIM’s Springs Retreat to help individuals hear from the Lord in the quiet of their devotional times. Read more about Betsy and Abundant Life Ranch here.
Rest and Receive
Free Downloadable Silent Retreat Guide by Laura Murray
Rest and Receive Retreat Guide
Copyright: For personal use only. For multiple copies and distribution, please contact Laura at Laura@laurabmurray.com.
Noise is not new. No matter where and when there has been noise in our world. Noise outside ourselves and within.
In this noise are voices. Voices from our past and even our present. The voice of fear of the future. True voices and false ones. Repeated voices and wounding voices.
How do we quiet all the noise and hear God’s voice? One way is through the spiritual practices of solitude and silence. This practice gives us an opportunity to make way for God’s voice in the sea of voices. It gives us the opportunity to be quiet, settle, and focus on hearing God’s voice. This guide is a way of giving you a framework for your time of solitude and silence. And let it be just that - a guide and framework. This means there is space to move within and outside the guide. If you get to wandering too far, use the guide to bring you back. My hope and prayer is that this time draws you nearer to our God and strengthens you in heart, mind, body, and soul.
Laura is an ordained pastor, author, speaker, retreat facilitator, and certified Spiritual Director. For over 20 years she has worked closely with individual leaders and groups in the areas of leader development and spiritual formation. During COVID-19 she created the Digital Silent Retreats and has hosted these spaces monthly as a way of formation and connection with others. She currently serves as the Director of Spiritual Engagement and Innovation at Fuller Seminary’s Center for Spiritual Formation.
As the Pastor of Spiritual Formation at Highland Park Pres, she wrote formational devotion guides and studies, and created and led worship services. Alongside a Masters Degree in Theology, she has a Doctorate in Leading Change from Fuller Seminary. Her project focus is Spiritual Formation through the Practice of Hospitality in the Digital Space. Her published book Pray As You Are guides readers into honesty in prayer. Contact Laura at Laura@laurabmurray.com.
Rev. Dr. Laura Murray
The Joy of the Lord is My Strength
Free Downloadable Silent Retreat Guide by Jill Austin
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet drink, and send portions to him for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord, and be not grieved and depressed, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and your stronghold.” Nehemiah 8:10 Amp.
Ever feel like your strength is running out? Let us journey together through some scriptures to find the strength that comes from the “Joy of the Lord.” It is a joy that we can enjoy in spite of our circumstances. We have access to God’s boundless joy. This joy comes from God alone, and our relationship with him. I pray your heart will be broken, deeply changed, and you will find the path to endless joy and strength today.
Suitable for individuals and groups. Written by Jill Austin. 25 pages.
Looking to Attend an In-Person Retreat?
If you are interested in attending a 48-hour guided silent retreat (hosted in California), see our Springs Retreats to learn more. We also have resources for you to create your own Online Retreats and video playlists that will lead you through a private silent retreat. Subscribe to receive NEWIM’s e-newsletter to be notified once a month of upcoming retreats and free retreat resources.
Free Downloadable Silent Retreat Guide in Psalm 1
We are the Lord's “Blessed Ones.” It is his great pleasure to bless those who trust in him with the indwelling of his Holy Spirit who encourages us through every moment of life. He also blesses us with his Living Word. Living the blessed life is like being a tree deeply rooted by a stream, we can flourish in all seasons.
This guided silent retreat will lead you in three meditations on Psalm 1. You will be invited to live in your Heavenly Father’s blessing.
Suitable for individuals and groups. Written by Pam Cashion and Jackie Rettberg.
Water From the Well
Free Downloadable Silent Retreat Guide by Jill Austin
Join Jesus at Jacob’s well and witness a divine encounter between a Samaritan woman and himself. Ruth Haley Barton says, “It is in silence that we habitually release our own agendas and our need to control and become more willing and able to give ourselves to God’s loving initiative. Silence deepens the experience of solitude.”
During this guided silent retreat we will meditate on John 4:1-26 and be guided by the Holy Spirit as we are invited to receive the living water Jesus provides us. Questions to aid in reflection and an Activity are included. Suitable for individuals and groups.
Jill Austin was on the NEWIM board for ten years and served on the Arizona Springs team for three years, led guided silent retreats in southern California. Recently she has led the book discussion on Aging Faithfully and Sacred Rhythms. She served as a small group mentor in the NEWIM-Fuller spiritual formation group. She is involved in Women’s Ministries and the Coordinator of the Prayer Team Ministry in her Anglican church in Colorado and she mentors women.
Abiding in Christ
Free Downloadable Silent Retreat Guide in John 15 by Pam Cashion
Experience the blessing of silence with the “Abiding in Christ” retreat guide. It includes 3 meditations based on John 15:1-8. These meditations offer invitations into silence and feature select verses from the passage along with questions and physical practices designed to facilitate your time with the Lord. It also includes tips on how to prepare for a silent retreat whether it be for yourself or a group in your church, bible study or fellowship group. CLICK to download your free copy. Written by Pam Cashion and Lisa Bergstedt.
He Is Worthy
Free Downloadable Silent Retreat Guide by Pam Cashion and Jackie Rettberg
Three Meditations lead you into contemplating the majesty of God. We lift our heart to praise him. He is worthy of our praise.
The first meditation reflects on the names and attributes of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
In the second meditation, we consider God's goodness which strengthens our confidence in him. We can trust our God.
The final meditation leads us into the prayer that Paul prays for the Colossians and helps us to make Paul's prayer our own.
The Oasis Retreat
For eleven years, Jackie Rettberg and Carolyn Shea and a team of leaders were invited by womens ministries directors to bring the Oasis Retreat to their church and lead women in a one-day retreat. During the retreat, women were shown how to spend devotional time with the Lord. Now this retreat has been updated and is available on our website.
The Oasis Online Retreat is a complete retreat playlist with video segments, worship music, and handouts to lead you or a small group through a half-day retreat.
Read more about the history of the Oasis Retreat HERE. (Scroll down about half-way.)
Online Retreat Resources
Be sure to check out the webpage, Online Retreat Resources, for short video segments on various aspects of a retreat (intro to worship, adoration, settling in, Bible readings, lectio divina, prayer of examen, confession, journaling, visio divina, art journaling), playlists of music worship videos by theme (God is Strong, Drawing Near), as well as handouts.
Women Got Together in Central California for a Half-Day Retreat
They used the guide, Blessed - Psalm 1
January 2022
January 2022
Women got together at a Home in Bakersfield
They used the Abiding in Christ Retreat Guide
Water from the Well one-day retreat
Twenty women gathered on the beautiful grounds of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Emmaus Spiritual Center, in Orange, CA, to experience a place of transformation as they entered into the real presence of the God, ‘just as they are’. They were invited to join Jesus at Jacob’s well and witness a divine encounter between a Samaritan woman and himself. They were offered a drink of ‘living water’ Jesus provides.
“It is in silence that we habitually release our own agendas and our need to control and become more willing and able to give ourselves to God’s loving initiative. Silence deepens the experience of solitude. Remember, the purpose of solitude and silence is just to be with God.” -Ruth Haley Barton
These women journeyed through the silent retreat meditating on John 4:1-26. Questions were included to aid them in following the leading of the Holy Spirit. At the end of the day we gathered together to share what God revealed to them and how he provided his living water. They recorded those moments on a “water drop” as a remembrance of their time with him.
What God Does When We Retreat
“He used this time to restore my focus and refresh my heart. I love how the scripture and deep questions are measured out. Wonderfully drawing us deeper.” Lori
“Slowed me down. Turned my anxious thoughts on him. Enabled me to renew my relationship and realize again just how much Jesus loves me. Reminded me, I am far from perfect, I am stumbling in my walk with him, I need to confess the sins that I’ve hidden away-to restore the joy of my salvation and a desire for a clean heart. God led me to Isaiah 58:11. I want that living water to share with and refresh others.” Kris
“I have very little quiet, uninterrupted time since my aged mother and disabled brother moved in one year ago. I really needed to be reminded how important it is to schedule and take the time for silence and solitude.” Susan
“He helped me to see that he comes to me just where I am in my life.” Jodie
“I liked focusing in one passage for the entire day. The questions were thoughtful and guided me to contemplation and prayer.” Kim