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Scripture Readings

Scripture Reading

Listen to the Scripture being read twice with a short pause for reflection between each reading. These readings can be combined with worship music videos to create your personal PLAYLIST for your retreat.

I AM statements of Jesus, from the Gospel of John

Ephesians 3:14-21

Romans 8:35-39

Psalm 4

Psalm 23

Psalm 24

Psalm 25

Psalm 27

Psalm 32

Psalm 62

Psalm 63

Psalm 62 and 63

Psalm 103

Psalm 139 (read once)

Daniel 9 (read once)

Nehemiah 9 (read once)

Dialogue Journaling

During your retreat, take the opportunity to engage with God’s Word.

Dialogue Journaling - a 15 minute video. Jackie Rettberg explains how to have a dialogue in your journal as you read Scripture. She says it’s like taking her grandchildren on a walk, looking for hidden treasure. She shows us how to approach Bible reading with the curiosity of a child using Genesis 12:10-20.

Handouts to use for Dialogue Journaling:

Things to Remember - 8 Tips as you get started with Dialogue Journaling

John 7 - Sample of how to ask questions as you mark up the passage

Abram goes to Egypt - Genesis 12:10-20 ready to be printed on a piece of paper for you to mark up

Psalm 8

Luke 24:13-35

John 8:1-11

Suggested Passages of Scripture to Explore during Your Retreat

A Time For Reflection. Suggested passages of Scripture for personal reflection. Handout prepared by Jackie Rettberg.

The Lord Is. A partial list of the names of God. Handout prepared by Jackie Rettberg.

We Are God’s Masterpiece. Centered on Ephesian 2, Jackie has gathered various passages for us to explore as we consider who we are in Christ.

The Mind of the Lord. Scripture passages exploring what the Bible reveals about the Holy Spirit. Handout prepared by Jackie Rettberg.

Understanding Meditation. Scripture passages helping us to better understand what the Bible teaches about meditation.