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Booklets for Reflection

Booklets for Reflection

Free Downloadable booklets containing Scripture, prayers, quotations from a variety of Christian authors with space for journaling and reflection. Booklets are intended to be “printed as booklets,” double-sided, folded in half.

Perfect as a thought-provoking resource for a Personal Retreat

Contemplative Prayer

“Hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3.

Click to download.

Walking the Labryinth

Introduction to how to use a Labryinth for prayer.

Scripture and Reflective Readings from the Sensible Shoes Series by Sharon Garlough Brown.

Click to download.


Scripture and Reflective Readings from Psalm 62

Click to download.

Solitude, Silence and Prayer

Reflective readings and thoughts on prayer.

The Lord’s Prayer

Click to download.