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President's Blog

Luann Budd, president of NEWIM, blogs about the spiritual life of a leader, shares insight from what she is reading, and reflects on the call to Christian leadership.

Having a Heart to See

Luann Budd

This prayer draws my attention to the hearts of people “within my reach.” And I wonder, if I carefully look at all the people God has placed within my reach, is there someone far out on the margins who longs to be embraced, who is waiting there, hoping to be seen and welcomed in?

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Discerning the Call of God

Luann Budd

Has God given you something to do during this season of your life?

Moses was in mid-life, tending his father-in-law’s sheep when God called him. Moses saw a bush on fire, but it wasn’t burning up. He could have ignored this oddity out in the desert, but instead he walked over to check it out. It was then the Lord called to him “Moses! Moses!” God told him he was standing on holy ground, then he said, “I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt” (Exodus 3). Moses couldn't believe what he was hearing, but our omniscient God had a plan. 

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Wisdom for Wandering Thoughts During Prayer

Luann Budd

Do you find your mind wanders when you are trying to listen to the Lord during prayer? The church fathers thought wandering thoughts were dangerous because they dissipate the warmth of the soul and our heart grows cool. As I read this, I was convicted. What should I do about my wandering thoughts?

The church fathers gave practical advice: Spend time focused on heightening your sense of the fear of the Lord.

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Coming Back to Life

Luann Budd

When we bought our home, we had an inspector go through the house. He went under the house to check the foundation and found that over the last 28 years, the beams that supported the floor of our house were not tied securely to the foundation’s piers. The house would stand, but in the event of an earthquake, it may not hold together. We should have it looked at.
When was the last time you inspected your foundation? Many of us have been building our spiritual houses for 10, 20, 30, 50 years, so it may be time to climb under our houses, so to speak, and make sure everything is still tied together. I learned this the hard way twenty years ago.

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The Old Rugged Cross

Luann Budd

Have you heard the story of the Hill of Crosses? There's a small hill in Lithuania where crosses were placed in the 1800s symbolizing people's faith and hope in God. During the first half of the Soviet occupation (1940-1990) most of the people from that area were deported to Siberia and died. In 1956 some survivors returned. They erected new crosses, dedicated to those who perished in the camps or who had fought for their Homeland. In the spring of 1961, the Soviets demolished and burned all of their crosses, and guards were posted so nobody could erect another one. Nevertheless, risking their lives, people erected new crosses.

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Feeling Dry?

Luann Budd

I remember feeling so disconnected from the Lord. I was actively involved in ministry but feeling totally out of it.  I had no idea what I needed, but I knew that I needed something. My husband was feeling the same thing. Our model for ministry was to give ourselves fully to loving people and teaching the Word. And five years into our ministry, we felt like we were going through the motions, doing the right activities but our hearts weren't in it. We knew something needed to change.

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Sometimes I Need A Little Bit of Hangin'

Luann Budd

A story is told of a mother who pleaded with Abraham Lincoln on behalf of her son who had committed an act of treason. A war court found him guilty and sentenced him to hanging. His mother sought a pardon. Lincoln granted her request but said, "I wish we could give him a little bit of hanging." Sometimes, we, too, need half a hanging because nothing drives home the blessings of a pardon like standing on the block with the noose around your neck and hearing your sentence read. Thinking about God’s justice is like a little bit of hanging. 

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