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President's Blog

Luann Budd, president of NEWIM, blogs about the spiritual life of a leader, shares insight from what she is reading, and reflects on the call to Christian leadership.

Filtering by Tag: Moses

Discerning the Call of God

Luann Budd

Has God given you something to do during this season of your life?

Moses was in mid-life, tending his father-in-law’s sheep when God called him. Moses saw a bush on fire, but it wasn’t burning up. He could have ignored this oddity out in the desert, but instead he walked over to check it out. It was then the Lord called to him “Moses! Moses!” God told him he was standing on holy ground, then he said, “I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt” (Exodus 3). Moses couldn't believe what he was hearing, but our omniscient God had a plan. 

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