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Oasis DVD

The Oasis One Day Personal Retreat on DVD — The perfect tool to help you offer the women in your sphere of influence refreshment and tools that will strengthen their relationship with the Lord.

It is effective for any size group.

Oasis One Day Personal Retreat DVD

When you buy the retreat package, you will receive the Oasis Personal Retreat DVD, a CD with instructions and masters (in pdf format) for all written materials and a three-minute informational DVD. This product comes with a full, moneyback guarantee within 30 days. Just email to request your refund.


What are the five sessions?

A Quick Look at Your Life (clearing away distractions)
Moments with a Friend (all about quiet times)
Journal Keeping (writing for spiritual growth)
Hidden Treasure (walking with the Lord through Scripture)
Lunch with Jesus (enjoying extended time with the Lord)

Who are the speakers?

Jackie Rettberg | former NEWIM Executive Director

Jackie is a well known Bible teacher who served as a Teaching Leader for Bible Study Fellowship for nineteen years. She has been an insightful and much loved speaker at numerous retreats and conferences for over twenty years.

Luann Budd | NEWIM President

Luann Budd is the author of Journal Keeping—Writing for Spiritual Growth. She has a Masters degree in English and has taught writing at Long Beach State and San Jose State. Luann is a frequent retreat speaker.