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Small Group In-Person Gatherings

In-Person and Online Small Group Gatherings

NEWIM Connects on Zoom

NEWIM Connects is a fun way to get to know other women in ministry. We meet once a month to engage in meaningful discussions on pivotal subjects with women from across the country. These discussions aim to deepen our spiritual connections and personal growth.

In April, we look forward to exploring the question “How do I share the gospel in an anti-gospel culture?

Please join us in conversation as we gather to share, listen, and pray in community.

Monday, April 14, 2025 5:30-7:00 pm (PST)/ 8:30-10pm (EST) via ZOOM

Seven women in a Zoom meeting

Online Options

Email us to let us know you’re interested in connecting at Don’t forgot to join our Book Club online discussion. Or pray online with us.

I was totally blessed by our time together, and would welcome these women in my home
ANY time! We had some wonderful sharing time, prayer time, and LOTS OF LAUGHS, too!