Our History
NEWIM’s History
The Beginnings (1985)
In October 1985, Susie Kimes, Director of Women's Ministry at Calvary Church Santa Ana, invites other women's ministry directors to come to Calvary for a networking brunch. Forty women come from all over the LA/OC region. Susie gives an overview of Calvary's Women’s Ministries (WM) and shares their resources, then Pat Clary speaks to the group (she leads Women's Ministries Institute in Los Angeles). The women find it incredibly helpful to meet together—they love sharing ideas and resources and decide to keep meeting. The second meeting is held at Rolling Hills Covenant Church. Pearl Hamilton, Director of Women's Ministry, gives an overview of their WM, and once again women find benefit from being together. The Network of Evangelical Women in Ministry (NEWIM) is born.
First Conferences (1986–87)
NEWIM's first two conferences are held at Calvary Church in 1986 and 1987. Carole Sherman is the keynote speaker. Although the conferences are open to the women of Calvary, the event is designed for the women of NEWIM.
In 1987 Susie resigns from her position at Calvary, and in 1989 the leaders set up a 501 (c) (3) religious nonprofit organization so that NEWIM can continue to host conferences for women (Dec. 22, 1989). They invite Susie to become NEWIM's first president.
NEWIM Board Meeting, 1999
Laurie McIntyre, conference speaker 1999 (photo courtesy of Elmbrook Church)
NEWIM Board, 2001
Cynthia Heald, conference speaker (2001) and Amber
Chosen Women stadium event, "The Lord Reigns" is held at the Rose Bowl, May 1997
Thousands of women come to Chosen Women stadium events 1997-1999
NEWIM Team with women in Cape Town, 2005
Newim team visits a womens shelter in Cape Town, 2005
Filming the Oasis dvd, 2007
Ginger steps down as President, Jackie is called, 2007
Return to be Encouraged in Bakersfield, 2008
Hugh Ross and Teri Thompson (Bakersfield Chapter President), 2009
Susan Booker (Orange County Chapter President) and Jackie Rettberg
Bridge Tournament Fundraiser, 2010
Directors Forums, Shannon and Jackie
Anne Barbour and Anne Lotz at Hearts Awakened conference, 2012
Pam and Kim co-lead the Pastors Wives retreat, 2014
Northern Calif. Springs Team - 10th Anniversary Celebration (2016): Darlene Derby, Betsy Stowe, Elaine Russell, Christy Wold, Luann Budd
She Brown visits the Cape Town chapter, 2016
Jackie steps down as President; Luann is called, 2017
Pam and Lisa host 4 one-day Silent Retreats, 2017
Pastor’s Wives - October 2018
Board Meeting - October 2018
Cathleen Lawler, Leadership Team Retreat 2019
Pastors’ Wives Retreat - Oakdale, CA 2019
Guided Silent Retreat - June 2019
NEWIM's Biennial Conference Ministry (1990–2003)
"Lotz on Leadership"—Biola University (1990)
1990: NEWIM's first off-site conference is held at Biola University, June 1990. Anne Graham Lotz is the keynote speaker; her topic "Revelation." Pearl Hamilton introduces the group to Anne (Pearl and Anne are friends from Bible Study Fellowship and Pearl knows Anne feels called to begin a speaking ministry.) Susie emcees the weekend conference; participants have various workshops and opportunities to network. This conference begins our relationship with Anne.
NEWIM continues to host weekend women's conferences every other year. Speakers include Anne Grahm Lotz, Jill Briscoe, Tricia Rhodes, Cynthia Heald, Laurie McIntyre, Jackie Rettberg, Luann Budd and Teri Thompson.
1992: "A Heart to Serve"—Biola University, June. Anne Graham Lotz speaks on "Hebrews."
1994: "Refresh Your Heart"—Arrowhead Springs, June. Anne Graham Lotz and Jill Briscoe bring the keynote messages. Anne speaks on "Daniel" and Jill speaks on "Job."
1996: "A Heart that Looks Beyond"—Vanguard University, Costa Mesa, June. Anne and Jill once again share the podium. Anne brings a series focused on "Impacting Our Culture." Jill's series focuses on "Looking Beyond Yourself."
1997: Return to be Encouraged in Heart - Biola University, July. Speakers include: Jackie Rettberg, Pam Farrel, Dr. Shelly Cunningham, Edna Myers, Elaine Schulte, Marty Russell, Ruth Ann Graybill, and LaVerne Tolbert.
1999: "A Heart for the Future"—Mission Inn, Riverside, February. Laurie McIntyre, Jackie Rettberg, and Luann Budd are the featured speakers.
1999: "Return to be Encouraged"—Irvine, July
"What Can I Bring?"—Tricia Rhodes
"Biblical Counseling: A Pattern for Change"—Elyse Fitzpatrick
"Taming Your Thought Life"—Edie Davis
"Designing Effective Bible Studies"—Julia Staton
"Women to Woman: How to Start a Mentoring Ministry"—Janet Thompson
2000: "Return to be Encouraged"—Inland Empire, July
"How to Be Used by God" (part 1, 2)—Pam Farrel
"Intimacy with God: More than Just a 'Quiet Time'"— Julia Staton
"Face Down: Avoiding Discouragement & Burnout"— Linda Fichtelman
"Growing Up Your Women through Discipleship"—Lin Smith
"Livening Up Your Women's Ministry"—Barbara Simmonds
2001: "A Heart to Follow" at the Hilton, Costa Mesa, June 7-9
Keynote: Cynthia Heald; Concert: Dennis Jernigan; Emcee: Shirley Barber
Workshop Leaders: Jackie Rettberg, Bev Amsbary, Edie Davis, Barbara Christiansen, Anne Barbour, Luann Budd, Pam Farrel, Marty Russell, Betty Adkinson, Ginger Bertoni, Susie Kimes
2003: "A Heart At Rest" at Concordia University, June 6-8
Keynote: Tricia Rhodes, Worship: Anne Barbour
Workshop Leaders: Bev Amsbary, Ruth Dix, Shirley Barber, Deanna Harder, Jackie Rettberg, Marty Russell, Luann Budd, Cindi McMenamin, Teri Thompson, Betty Lawther, Susie Kimes, Barbara Schmidt, Grace Cabalka, Naomi Cox, Janet Ables, Cheryl Levey, Kelly Bell, Mary Younger, Darlene Barber
NEWIM's Retreat Ministry: Oasis (1994–2005)
In 1992, NEWIM’s leaders go on a weekend prayer retreat. During the retreat, there are hours to spend alone with the Lord. We discover we need extended time to be alone with Jesus to nurture our love for him. We recognize our ministry must flow from our worship and all too often that isn't what's happening. Because this retreat is so beneficial in our lives, we want to provide similar opportunities for women to spend hours with Jesus.
Susie Kimes, Luann Budd and Jackie Rettberg meet monthly for a year and in 1994, the Oasis ministry is born. During the next eleven years, 75 churches host this one-day retreat ministering to 4,000 women and 50 men led by Jackie Rettberg. Betsy Stowe and Janice Marshall lead worship. Luann Budd speaks on how to journal. Pat James and Susie Kimes, Karen Root and Tricia Edmonds also serve on the team. Carolyn Shea is the administrator. The highlight for most women is spending an hour and a half alone—having "lunch with Jesus."
In 2007, Jackie oversees the creation of the Oasis retreat on DVD, "a retreat in a box" complete with all of the printed materials to bless people beyond our present reach by offering tools and resources unique to the Oasis experience. In 2020, the Oasis retreat materials and updated videos are posted on NEWIM’s website as part of our free online retreat resources.
Chosen Women Stadium Events (1997–1999)
In 1995, the Lord impresses upon Susie Kimes the vision of beginning stadium events for women. To accommodate this change in scope, NEWIM and Chosen Women become divisions of Women of Honor.
Susie steps down as President of NEWIM to lead the Chosen Women stadium events. Ginger Bertoni becomes the President of NEWIM. She serves for 14 years (1995–September 2009).
May 1997, Rose Bowl (click link for more info)
30,000 women gather in the Rose Bowl for the first Chosen Women Stadium Event. Jill Briscoe, Susie Kimes, Anne Graham Lotz, Elizabeth Elliott and Bunny Wilson share from the Word what the Lord has laid on their hearts for the women. Alaina Reed Hall is the emcee.
"The Lord Reigns"—Jill Briscoe
"The Servant's Song"—Jill Briscoe
"The Sin Outfit"—Susie Kimes
"The Cross"—Anne Graham Lotz
"Be Holy, for I am Holy"—Elisabeth Elliot
"Hope, Help, Holy and Free"—Bunny Wilson
"The Coming King"—Anne Graham Lotz
May 1998, Bulldog Stadium, Fresno - Alaina Reed Hall, emcee
"Heaven"—Anne Graham Lotz
"He is Worth It"—Anne Graham Lotz
"Servanthood"—Bunny Wilson
"A Led Prayer Session"—Bunny Willson
"Repentance and Revival"—Kay Arthur
"Hidden Treasure"—Jackie Rettberg
"How Do We Approach God?"—Scott Craig
May 1999, Irvine Stadium—Stephanie Edwards, emcee
"Testimony"—Bunny Wilson
"On our Knees"—Nancy Leigh DeMoss
"Led Prayer Session"—Bunny Wilson
Session 4—Nancy Leigh DeMoss
"Hidden Treasures"—Jackie Rettberg
"A Love Letter to the Church"—Pat Ashley
June 1999, Oklahoma City Stadium
Bunny Wilson, Kay Arthur, Pat Ashley, Sandy Snavely, and Jackie Rettberg are the keynote speakers.
NEWIM's Regional Chapters (1995–2015)
NEWIM establishes chapters in LA/Orange County (led by Ginger Bertoni and Susan Booker), San Diego (Bev Amsbary and Dawn Wilson), Fresno (Shirley Barber), Kern County (led by Mary Younger then Teri Thompson), the Inland Empire (Tammy Tkach) and Ventura County (Jan Lackey).
NEWIM's One-Day Events "Return to be Encouraged" (2004–2012)
In order to gather women together for a time of spiritual encouragement, NEWIM begins to host one-day events, typically held the year between the biennial conferences.
2004: "Return to be Encouraged"—Peoples Church in Fresno, July
Keynote: Pat Ashley; Emcees: Shirley Barber and Ariana Kimes
2004: "Return to be Encouraged"—Evangelical Free Church in Fullerton, August
Pat Ashley
2005: "Return to be Encouraged"—Emmanuel Faith in Escondido, July
Pam Farrell and Cindi McMenamin are the keynote speakers.
2006: "Return to be Encouraged"—RiverLakes Community Church, Bakersfield, June
Jill Briscoe is the featured speaker.
2007: "Return to be Encouraged"—Coto de Caza
Stephanie Edwards is the speaker.
2011: "Return to be Encouraged—A Heart That is Faithful," Crossroads Christian Fellowship, Bakersfield, February
Teri Thompson, Jackie Rettberg, and Luann Budd are the featured speakers.
2012: "Return to be Encouraged—Hearts Awakened"—People's Church, Fresno, February 17-18
Friday night concert with Anne Barbour.
Anne Graham Lotz is the keynote speaker.
NEWIM's contemplative retreats: The Springs (1998–present)
In 1998, The Springs prayer and reflection retreats begin. Ginger Bertoni, Shirley Barber, Sara Jo George, Susan Booker, Marty Russell, Sunny Schrimsher, Luann Budd and Sharyn Evans co-lead the retreat twice a year at Mater Delarosa (Sierra Madre) and El Carmelo (Redlands).
In 2006, a northern California team [Luann Budd, Shirley Barber (2006-2015), Betsy Stowe, Christy Wold, Darlene Derby (2006-2023), Elaine Russell and Crystal Mayfield (2006-2012)] begins hosting The Springs retreat each November and April at St. Anthony's in Three Rivers, CA. Ashley Budd joins the team (2013-2015). Kim Bagato joins the team (2019-2023). The Springs retreat continues in southern California until 2009 with Ginger Bertoni, Susan Booker, Janet Cleland, Sharyn Evans, Sara Jo Geroge, Marty Russell and Sunny Schrimsher co-facilitating.
Between 2017-2022, The Springs retreat was also held in Prescott, Arizona. Deanna Harder, Mary Williams, Tracy Millward and Veronica Betance-Sandoval (2017) facilitated. Barb Nurmi and Kim Bagato joined the team in 2018.
In 2024, The Springs retreat continued to be hosted in Three Rivers, California (facilitators; Kim Bagato (2019-2023), Luann Budd, Darlene Derby (2006-2023), Elaine Russell, Betsy Stowe, Christy Wold). Two new locations began: Santa Cruz, California (facilitators: Luann Budd, Rugena Duff, Rachel Dutcher, Gena Larson, Christy Wold) and in Savannah, Georgia (facilitators: Traci Martin, Patricia Arps, Luann Budd and Darlene Derby).
NEWIM-Cape Town, South Africa (2005–Present)
In 2005, a team of NEWIM gals are invited to host a women's retreat in Cape Town South Africa (Susie Kimes, Luann Budd, Ginger Bertoni, Jackie Rettberg, She Brown, June Chambliss, Paula Reece, Donna Jeffries). This trip begins our connection with the women there. In 2007, under the leadership of Glenda McMinn, the Newim-Cape Town chapter is formed. Twice a year, they host women's conferences. In 2016, She Brown speaks and participates in their November retreat. In 2017, Tammy Tkach (NEWIM Board member) is invited to be the keynote speaker for their Beautiful Woman retreat. In 2017, a third retreat is offered. According to South African laws, after twenty years of affiliation with NEWIM-US, NEWIM-Cape Town had to form their own nonprofit in South Africa. Beautiful Women Retreats was formed in 2024. We continue to raise funds and provide scholarships for them.
NEWIM's Training for Women's Ministry Directors, THE OAKS
The Oaks two-day training seminar for women in leadership is held for four years. Women on the Leadership team include: Mary Younger (WM Dir. Riverlakes Community Church-Bakersfield), Bev Amsbury (WM Dir. Emmanuel Faith-Escondido), Ginger Bertoni (WM Dir. Evangelical Free Church Huntington Beach), Carolyn Shea (St. Andrews) and Jackie Rettberg (Grace Fellowship).
Jackie Rettberg becomes the Executive Director, 2009
Jackie serves for seven years. Under her leadership, NEWIM creates new opportunities for women in leadership and funds are raised to provide scholarships.
To raise funds for scholarships for NEWIM's various ministries, a luncheon is held at Santa Ana Country Club with Hugh Ross as the event speaker, 2009.
NEWIM's Forum for Directors of Women's Ministries
Forums for Directors of Women’s Ministries are established and held twice a year for four years (2011-2015) led by Shannon Reese, Director of Women’s Ministries at Calvary Church, Santa Ana.
Hope for the Holidays (2014, 2015) evening events are held at a local hotel with Luann Budd and Cindi McMenamin as the featured speakers.
An annual Bridge Day fundraising event is established and held once a year at Big Canyon Country Club in Newport Beach. This fundraiser continues for six years (2010 to 2016).
NEWIM's Retreats
Make Space for God, a Saturday morning retreat is offered by Marty Russell.
Silent retreats (2013–present) are created and are being held twice a year, led by Lisa Bergstedt and Pam Cashion (2013–2018), Jill Austin, She Brown and Kim Johnson (2019–2021).
NEWIM's Retreat for Pastor's Wives (2014–Present)
A retreat for Pastor’s Wives (LAMBs) is created and offered free of charge. Pam Cashion and Kim Powell (2014-2017) co-lead this retreat twice a year beginning in 2014. Six pastor's wives from various areas are invited to each retreat. Janae Swan joins the team when Kim retires.
November 2016, the Northern California Springs team hosts its 10th Anniversary Celebration at St. Anthony's Retreat Center, marking the milestone of hosting 20 retreats for over 400 women.
Luann Budd becomes the President of NEWIM in 2017. She leads the Transition Team through a re-visioning process. The team realizes that thirty-two years later, our purpose is the same as our founding purpose (1985). While the leadership has changed, our heart has not. The team establishes four goals for the next three years: continue to offer contemplative retreats for women, create safe spaces and small groups where women in leadership can connect and expand NEWIM's visibility. Susie, Jackie and Carolyn come and pray with the group.
The Lord enables us to make advances in each area. Pam and Lisa host four, one-day Silent Retreats. A one-night retreat is held in Oceanside, May 2018. Sheila Brown and Kim Johnson join the Board and Holly Kalton greatly expands our social media presence. Springs Retreats are held in Prescott, AZ and Three Rivers, CA, in fall and spring.
In 2018, the Pastors Wives Retreat expands to three weekends. A new Writers’ Group is formed and Cindi McMenamin and Kathy Collard Miller host the first Writers’ Getaway. The online book club reads the Sensible Shoes Series together. Confidential prayer support is made available at all of our retreats and online. Local gatherings are held in San Jose, Modesto, Fresno, Bakersfield, Los Angeles, Orange County, Phoenix, and online.
In 2019, twenty-two women who are leading ministries in NEWIM spend a weekend together focused on creating healthy teams. In the spring, a new team (Christy Wold, Betsy Stowe and Darlene Derby) hosts the Pastors Wives Retreat in northern California for the first time, while Pam and Janae offer four retreats for pastor’s wives in Newport Beach, CA. The Springs Retreat in Three Rivers continues to give women a chance to reconnect with Jesus. Jill Austin, Rugena Duff and Sheila Brown facilitate a Guided Silent Retreat for women in southern California. Workbooks from the Guided Silent Retreats are published. The Book Club reads and discusses online The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi, News of the World, and Shades of Light. Deanna Harder joins the Newim Board and we begin using Planning Center.
In 2023, NEWIM partners with Fuller Seminary to offer a 10-month Spiritual Formation cohort for 25 women. Luann Budd facilitates the 2023 cohort. Luann Budd, Heidi Glynn and Traci Martin facilitate the 2024 cohort.
See “Year in Review” 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 for photos and descriptions of the ministries.
For free audio recordings of keynote messages at NEWIM events, click here to go to the Free Resources-Audio webpage.