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Oasis - One Day Retreats

Some of the churches that hosted an Oasis

Anza Baptist Church-Anza, CA

Calvary Bible Church-Bakersfield, CA

Calvary Chapel-Oceanside, CA

Calvary Church-Santa Ana, CA

Carson Valley Community Church-Minden, NV

Church of the Open Door-Glendora, CA

Community Baptist Church-Manhattan Beach, CA

E.V. Free Church-Moreno Valley, CA

E.V. Free Church Yorba Linda-Yorba Linda, CA

Eastside Christian Church-Fullerton, CA

Emmanuel Faith Community Church-Escondido, CA

Evangelical Free Church-Huntington Beach, CA

First Baptist Church of Lakewood-Long Beach, CA

First Baptist Church-Lancaster, CA

First Baptist Church-Oxnard, CA

First Baptist Church-Visalia, CA

Foothill Christian Fellowship-Meadow Vista, CA

Good Shepherd Presbyterian-Los Alamitos, CA

Harbor Trinity Church-Costa Mesa, CA

Hillside Community Church-Alta Loma, CA

Knott Avenue Christian Church-Anaheim, CA

Mariners /Southcoast Community-Irvine, CA

Mission Hills Church- Mission Viejo, CA

No. Coast Calvary Chapel-Carlsbad, CA

Pacific Coast Community Church-Huntington Beach, CA

Palomar Community Church-Vista, CA

San Gabriel Union Church-San Gabriel , CA

Shepherd of the Hills-Northridge, CA

Southwest Community Church-Indian Wells, CA

Southwest Community Church-Palm Desert, CA

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church-Redondo Beach, CA

The People's Church-Fresno, CA

Twin Lakes Community Church-Palmdale, CA

Voyagers Bible Church-Irvine, CA

World Wide Church of God-Pasadena, CA