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Writers' Getaway

An overnight getaway for Christian women who are looking for practical help and encouragement as they pursue their dreams to publish.

St. Anthony’s Retreat Center, Three Rivers, CA

Writers’ Getaway 2025: “Answering the Call”

An Overnight Retreat for Christian Women Writers

Spring 2025 | April 1-2, 2025 | $179

Cindi McMenamin and Pam Farrel will be leading

Come for the Christian Writers’ Getaway and stay for The Springs Retreat


Cindi McMenamin invites women to come to the Writers’ Getaway

This Year’s Theme—Answering the Call

“We cannot keep quiet about what we have seen and heard.”

Acts 4:20 CEV

Has God put a message on your heart that he wants you to speak out about, as well as get down on paper? Maybe he's urging you to write an article, develop your personal story into a book that helps others, or put your writing in a venue where it can make a difference in others' lives. In this year's Writers' Getaway, prolific authors Cindi McMenamin and Pam Farrel will help you answer God's call to write by: 

  • sharing insights on how to gain writing inspiration

  • helping you explore various avenues for getting your material seen

  • painting an honest picture for you of what a writer's life looks like

  • providing expert guidance and instruction on how to structure and develop your book or article 

  • offering one-on-one coaching and encouragement on your work in progress

  • helping you turn your material into something that meets a reader's need 

In Acts 4:20, Jesus' followers said: "We cannot keep quiet about what we have seen and heard" (CEV). You, too, can answer God's call on your life by writing what you've seen and heard for his glory. The first (or next) step in answering God's call on YOUR heart to write might be attending our Writers' Getaway.

Best of Both Tracks

Longtime authors and NEWIM members Cindi McMenamin and Pam Farrel team up this year for the Writers' Getaway to provide resources, encouragement, and next steps for writers affiliated with NEWIM. (Pam is stepping in for Kathy Collard Miller who is taking a temporary break for health reasons). Cindi and Pam will be offering this encouragement, instruction, and one-on-one coaching for writers just prior to The Springs Retreat in Three Rivers, CA. 

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Whether you’re a beginning writer or have been at this a while, Cindi and Pam will provide insight and instruction to begin your writing and speaking ministry/career, as well as continue to make progress in it.

Together, the two authors and accomplished speakers will share with you how to gain inspiration and write from your heart, how to come up with article ideas that say what's on your heart and can prepare your audience for a future book, and how to market your message and not yourself.  Cindi and Pam will help you take your writing to the next level—whether it be a magazine article, a short story, or a nonfiction book proposal or manuscript. Cindi will provide detailed instruction to all the attendees on how to structure your book proposal or outline your book concept by incorporating reader relevance and forward movement that every publisher (and reader) wants to see.

Pam and Cindi will also share from their hearts how God has personally refined them and shown them himself through the writing process—something he is wanting to do in and through you, as well.  

All attendees will receive the opportunity for one-on-one coaching/consultation sessions with both Cindi and Pam during the Getaway, giving you expert personalized guidance and instruction for the project you are working on or direction in the area you would like to pursue.

Cindi McMenamin talks about the focus of Track 2

NEWIM Writers’ Getaway 2025

“Answering the Call”

Schedule of Events


10:00 a.m. Arrive, settle in your room, enjoy the grounds

noon Lunch is served

1:00–2:00 Welcome & Introductions with Cindi and Pam (Mission Room)

Session 1: “Your Call to Write” (Cindi and Pam)

2:00–2:15 Refreshment/Book Table Break

2:15–3:15 Session 2: “The Benefits of Article Writing” (Cindi and Pam)

3:15–3:30 Restroom / Book Table Break

3:30–5:30 One-on-One Coaching Appointments with Cindi or Pam (Patio area)

6:00 Dinner (Dining Room)

7:00–7:45 Session 3: “Taking Your Personal Story to the Next Level” (Cindi)

7:55–8:45 Session 4: “Market Your Message, Not Yourself” (Cindi and Pam)

8:45 Free time, Reflection/Writing


8:00 am Breakfast (Dining Room)

9:00–9:45 Session 5: Purify Your Calling (Pam)

10:00–10:45 Session 6: Trust the Process (Cindi)

10:45–11:25 Closing Inspirational Thoughts and Prayer

11:25–11:30 – Group Picture (Patio)

12:00 Lunch (Dining Room)

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 How to Prepare

In preparation for the Writers Getaway, read the chapters from Kathy's "Writing as a Ministry for God's Glory" that apply to your writing goals and desires.

What to Bring

If you have writing that you've been working on, notebooks of ideas, books that inspire you, please bring them. You might also want to bring a laptop or tablet, and your favorite pen.

What women have to say about their experience

Monica shares her experience at the Writers’ Getaway

Tina shares her experienced at the Writers Getaway 2021

Thinking about publishing your writing? Get inspired at NEWIM's Writers Getaway with Cindi McMenamin and Kathy Collard Miller.
Jenny Estes shares her story of coming to the Writers Getaway and becoming passionate about a writing project and now, six months later, she just sent her first book off to be printed.

St. Anthony's Retreat Center

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Nestled in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, just 30 minutes east of Visalia, St. Anthony's Retreat and Conference Center offers a beautiful setting for the Writer's Getaway. Enjoy having your own private room and bath, delicious and healthy meals, and time to write in a quiet setting dedicated to spiritual gatherings.  

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Three Options to choose from

Option 1 - Writers’ Getaway plus The Springs Retreat. 

Come to the Writers' Getaway and be inspired as a writer and then stay for The Springs Retreat to spend time with the Lord.

Three nights, 9 meals, private room and bath

Register for the Springs retreat separately

Option 2 - Writers’ Getaway overnight: 

Enjoy the full program, spending Tuesday night at St. Anthony's in a private room with a private bath, and four meals with the group. The formal program begins at 1 p.m. after lunch but please come early if you can to get settled and meet the co-leaders and other participants.

Cost: $179.

Option 3 - Writers’ Getaway program only, sleep at home:

Enjoy the full program. Dinner with the group on Tuesday evening is included.

Cost: $75

Writers’ Getaway co-Leaders

Due to health issues for Kathy Collard-Miller, Pam Farrel will be standing in for her in 2025 for the Writers’ Getaway. Please keep Kathy in your prayers and we hope to see you for this revised program.

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Cindi McMenamin

Cindi is an award-winning writer and speaker who helps women strengthen their relationship with God and with others. She has authored 19 books including When Women Walk Alone (more than 160,000 copies sold), When Women Long for RestWhen a Woman Discovers Her Dream, and When God Sees Your Tears. Her newest book, The New Loneliness: Nurturing Meaningful Connections When You Feel Isolated, releases in 2025. Cindi and her husband of 36 years, Hugh, co-authored When Couples Walk Together: 31 Days to a Closer Connection and Cindi's daughter, Dana, collaborated with her to write When a Mom Inspires Her Daughter. Cindi writes regularly for and other online sites and continues to speak for women’s retreats and conferences across the country. Cindi is a CLASS-trained speaker and is certified as a writing and speaking coach through the Advanced Writers and Speakers of America. Over the past two decades, Cindi has helped more than 50 women publish their articles, books, or take their next step toward a successful writing journey. You can learn more about Cindi's ministry at

Pam Farrel

Pam is an international speaker, relationship coach, and author of 61 books including bestselling Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti. Pam has also released five “Discovering the Bible Series” creative bible studies. Pam and her husband, Bill, often minister together.

Pam has spoken for a wide variety of groups: overseas for missions or governments. In the USA and Canada she has keynoted for churches, conference centers, community groups as well as the military and businesses. Her sense of humor, personal stories, and wisdom make her a popular speaker and radio/TV guest (Moody network, Family Life Today, Focus on the Family, Dr. Dobson’s radio, and most TV networks.)  

Pam and Bill enjoy time with their grown children, their spouses, and young grandchildren. When they are not working you will find them on the beach or kayaking from their live-aboard boat docked in southern California. You can learn more about their ministry at or reach out to Pam directly at: