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Pastors' Wives Retreat-Northern California (Pajaro Dunes)

A retreat just for women who are married to pastors. Nominations are being accepted. See photos and read testimonies from women who have attended.

A Retreat for Women Who are Married to Pastors

“Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love.” Ps. 90:14

NEWIM has a heart for encouraging women who are married to pastors because we know that this special role can be amazing and it can also be uniquely challenging, isolating, and draining. For this reason, we want to gather women from different churches throughout Central and Northern California for a fun and relaxing weekend of pampering and connection.

This retreat is only for women who are married to pastors because we want to create an environment of safety and understanding so special connections can be made. We want each woman to leave the retreat feeling filled up with God’s love for them and having a new support network of women who understand the challenges and joys of being married to a pastor.

This retreat is also by invitation only. Six pastors’ wives will be prayerfully selected to attend each retreat.

If you know a woman who is married to a pastor who would enjoy this opportunity to come away for a weekend of rest, fellowship, renewal, worship, encouragement, beauty, and the lavish love of Jesus, please nominate her below.

If you are married to a pastor and would like to come to this retreat, please, nominate yourself.

The next retreat is being planned for April 25-27, 2025.

Nominations are NOW closed for the 2025 retreat, but you can still submit names for an upcoming retreat.

There is no cost to attend the retreat. The retreat is facilitated by Christy Wold, Betsy Stowe. and Luann Budd.

Selected women will receive a personal invitation



Janet Lee shares her experience at the Pastors Wives retreat.

At the Pastors Wives retreat, I felt so loved on by the women who served which helped me feel loved on by God.  I also experienced a rare connection with other pastors’ wives that helped to give me fuel to continue in this journey of serving and following Him in ministry.  I thank God for this retreat and the way I feel a deeper connection to Jesus as a result!
I didn’t know anyone when I arrived and within an hour I felt like we were all best friends. It’s amazing how much we have in common. This retreat was unbelievably refreshing. I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard in years and our times of worship and being able to spend time alone with the Lord was just what I needed. Thank you for inviting me and helping me to experience the lavish love of God.