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Food for the Soul

Food for the Soul, devotionals to help you in your busy life, written by NEWIM board members and staff.

From Rubble to Reward

Rugena Duff

My life had plenty of rubble. It was such a challenge for me to surrender my plans, hopes, fears, and need to be in control over to Jesus and allow him to be my guide, teacher, and the unconditional lover of my soul. I know we all come from diverse backgrounds and life experiences, and this may not be your story, but personally, I found it uncomfortable to receive. I wanted to be the captain of my ship and the master of my own fate. I did not realize that this was where the embers of sin began to set fires in my life.

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Oh! How He Loves Us

Monti Price

He loves her so much that he called me seven months before to come across the world to Kenya! Yes, he knew what she needed that day before she did. That is amazing love!

You are infinite love. Your love is uncontained. Your love is not meant to be contained. It is to be lived out.

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The Sometimes Very Brave Girl

Debbie Croft

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. – Deuteronomy 31:6
She jumped out of the booster seat onto the floor of the minivan, and reached for her mom to help her onto the ground. At four years old the world was such a big place—and so fascinating! Every visit to the park, the library, the store, and the science museum promised new adventures and raised her excitement levels.
“Mama! Horses! I want to ride the horses!” Lucy squealed, pointing toward the coin-operated carousels with colorful fiberglass animals. Lucy skipped beside her mom as they crossed the parking lot, chatting the entire time. “I want to ride the purple horse! And the pink horse and the blue horse! Mama, can I ride all the horses?”

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Our Kingdom Come

Dagny Darnel

There’s one thing about the Holy Ghost. You just never know when he’s gonna make something into a teaching moment. So, a couple of weeks ago, when I was thinking about the Kingdom of God, and praying, “Your kingdom come, O Lord,” the Holy Spirit said something that upended some of my theology. 

“Don’t you mean our kingdom?” 

For a second, I didn’t know what to think. 

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