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Oh! How He Loves Us

Food for the Soul

Food for the Soul, devotionals to help you in your busy life, written by NEWIM board members and staff.

Oh! How He Loves Us

Monti Price

One morning as I was praying for a friend’s upcoming mission trip, I heard God saying that I was going with them.

It was not something that I had been thinking about until that moment. At first I whined a bit but knew I was going to Kenya. He also said that there was a girl there who needed me. I tried to reason with Him that it didn’t make sense for me to travel across the world when there are plenty of people closer who I could help. Personally, my heart’s desire and tentative plan was to go on a mission trip with another ministry to Montana for a month, but I knew that was not God’s plan. Interestingly enough, it was the same timeframe.

As I continued to seek the Lord on this in the weeks to come, he asked me, “What do you believe about me?”

I answered, “You are infinite love. Your love is uncontained. Your love is not meant to be contained. It is to be lived out. I believe that you created all things by speaking them into existence. I believe you loved me before I was conceived and will love me until forever. You have that same love for all people. You have the capacity to equally love everyone. I believe you can see everywhere, always, and that you can be everywhere always. I believe that your grace and forgiveness can light any darkness, can and do extend to anyone if they receive them. I believe you did that for me. Thank you, Jesus.”

Kenya was amazing! We were there 7 days helping build a medical storage building for a relief program. Many things happened: some hard and some beautiful. I remember praying, “Lord, even if I never know who you sent me here for, I trust you.

At the close of the trip, we were going to a preserve to enjoy a safari before we left. As we were traveling the long bumpy road to our destination, I learned the preserve offered massage and a nail salon.  There was no question that I would be partaking of that!

Shortly after arriving, I met with Suzynne for my spa treatments. Bear with me. God is in this!

Suzynne was a precious Kenyan woman. As we talked, she started sharing her heart wounds with me. I found out later that it is very rare for a Kenyan person to share like this.

As she shared, I shared with her what Christ had done in my life. I learned that she also was a Jesus-follower.

Suzynne had some deeper issues that thankfully another team member was trained in, and I was able to pray as she ministered to Suzynne.

Many hours later, a joyful Suzynne knocked on my tent. My team member friend was with her. We went for a walk and my friend said Suzynne wants to tell you something. Suzynne said that morning she was on her knees crying out to God and prayed, “I just need to know that you love me!

Then I told Suzynne how the Lord sent me there to let her know how much he loves her. He loves her so much that he called me seven months before to come across the world to Kenya! Yes, he knew what she needed that day before she did. That is amazing love!

This is how God loves us, so much that he sent his only Son (from heaven) into the world, so whoever would believe in him would not perish, but have everlasting life!

Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so…

Scripture tells us about God’s immeasurable love for us. See Psalm 36:5-7, Romans 8:35,37-39, and Ephesians 3:14-19. These are just a few of the many passages that speak of God’s love throughout the Bible. Reading them is one thing, but receiving the reality of his love and the fullness of it is mind-blowing. There is no greater love than the love of God!

Monti Price is a child of God and servant leader who has been married to her best friend John for 40 years. She has led post-abortion healing groups and served at a local pregnancy resource center. Passionate about encouraging women toward the true freedom that is theirs in Christ, she mentors and leads Bible studies at her church.

Having experienced both mountain top and desert places in discipleship and ministry, Monti facilitates Silence and Solitude retreats, encouraging women to grow and be filled with his Spirit in their personal sabbath time.

Monti's thoughts on finding NEWIM: The Savannah Springs retreat could not have come at a better time for me. Work and life had gotten too busy and I needed some quality time with Jesus. The chapel time and devotions beautifully prepared me for time alone with my Lord. It was so refreshing to be with like-minded women in a safe atmosphere.
This retreat was my introduction to NEWIM. I was delighted that they share my heart for ministering to women in leadership.
Through their resource list, I found a book study and met with some wonderful women via Zoom. The book study, Aging Faithfully, was just what I needed. I was reminded God planned this season of my life. As I let go of the things that I have lost, I can step into the good works God has planned for my senior years. It was a blessing to share our insights and thoughts with each other.
I am looking forward to being more involved with NEWIM: digging deeper, cultivating relationships, and moving together to our God-designed destinies.

If you are craving more time with Jesus and connecting with other women, I highly recommend this ministry!