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My Conductor

Food for the Soul

Food for the Soul, devotionals to help you in your busy life, written by NEWIM board members and staff.

My Conductor

Elaine Russell

Several years ago, I attended a concert, a community band comprised of accomplished musicians who simply enjoyed playing, with a friend. I was blessed by the music, but something else spoke deeply to my heart throughout the evening. I saw in this band a picture of our lives with the Lord.

The musicians, seated in their positions on the stage, each warming up and preparing their instruments. Wind instruments were assembled. Basses tuned. Percussion instruments adjusted to the right tone. Cymbals hung on a rack, ready to be used. Music stands adjusted. Random notes played, each individually warming up, creating a clamor of noise.

Then, the conductor walked onto the stage. Immediately, the orchestra was silent and still. Eyes locked on the maestro, his eyes sweeping from side to side, making contact with those before him. The rise of his baton brought the rise of the instruments. The musicians’ eyes still locked on their conductor. At his cue, the music began.

Each musician intently looked at the music before them, not just reading it but allowing it to direct their every movement. They weren’t distracted; they didn’t look around at anything else. They kept their eyes only on the music and the maestro. They weren’t looking at the audience, though they were aware of them.

This wasn’t new to them. Years of practice had prepared them for this time.

They didn’t compare themselves with others in jealousy. What if the percussionist wanted to play as much as the trombone? Can you imagine the chaos if the cymbals played constantly? The beautiful music flowed from a group united in purpose and focus and willing to do their specific part. What if one, even once, had decided he didn’t like that song and decided to play one he liked instead? Can you imagine how it would have ruined the music?

I see such a beautiful description of our lives with the Lord in this picture. He is the conductor, the maestro, and the one who wrote the music and created the song for our lives. He’s written it out, note by note, for us to follow. The Bible contains everything we need for the beautiful music, the plan he has for our lives. And as our eyes are locked on him, our focus solely on his lead, we know what to do, when to do it, following the notes he’s written, glancing up at him to maintain the rhythm. Being content to play the part he’s given us, not jealous of another’s instrument. Being surrendered to play the music before me, not thinking I have another song that I’d rather be playing. Joining my little part with those around me, working together under the direction of the Master, creating music that brings joy to his ears, and touches the lives of those who hear.

Playing my life to an audience of one. And recognizing that others are also watching and listening.