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Speaking As a Ministry for God's Glory: A Speaker's Guide

Speaking As a Ministry for God’s Glory: A Speaker’s Guide

You are about to embark on an exciting adventure of discovering encouragement and practical ideas for fulfilling God’s call upon your life for speaking professionally for God’s glory. It’s a great joy for me to be able to pass along the wonderful tools that others have blessed me with. Let me be your teacher, encourager, and mentor. God has great things planned for you and I trust that what you find hidden in these pages will empower you as never before.

-Kathy Collard Miller

Chapter 1: Speech Preparation

Chapter 2: Finalize Your Material

Chapter 3: Marketing Yourself as a Speaker

Chapter 4: Auxiliary Speaking Tools and Resources

Chapter 5: Interacting Effectively With People

Chapter 6: Attitudes of a Servant

All Chapters: Speaking as a Ministry for God’s Glory