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Food for the Soul

Food for the Soul, devotionals to help you in your busy life, written by NEWIM board members and staff.

Filtering by Category: Devotional

New Year New Yield (1/13/2015)

Kim Johnson

It is the beginning of another new year. As leaders we are no doubt planning, setting goals and researching our resources to determine the how we can make 2015 successful. With the myriad of material just a mouse click away, it is easy to forget our success is never based upon our sources but His sufficiency. God doesn’t look for the best program. He looks for the basic person, someone who will be totally dependent on Him.

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The Right Response

Kim Johnson

With the weather turning cooler and the days getting shorter, we know it is fall and the holidays are right around the corner. Starting with Halloween, we slide right into Christmas, almost missing the smell of the turkey cooking in the oven. Yes, that day of eating we call Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, Thanksgiving is increasingly becoming obscured by the materialism of Christmas. So we find ourselves thrust into the rush with hardly any time to celebrate, let alone remembering to be thankful.

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Pruning to Produce (10/24/2014)

Kim Johnson

For those who are gardeners, pruning is a process that is useful in producing beautiful gardens. It seems counter-intuitive, but the results speak for themselves – cutting back creates growth. In our personal lives, we know God also uses this method intangibly to help us become who He wants us to be. We often feel His presence trimming and snipping those areas that need attention. As leaders, however, pruning in terms of a staff as demonstrated in God’s dealing with Gideon may never have crossed our minds.

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It’s Only Me, Lord (8/5/2014)

Kim Johnson

Kingdom work as a leader can be very fulfilling. Seeing hours of work and prayer come to a constructive conclusion is so encouraging, letting us feel blessed to be on the front line for our Lord. On the other hand however, it can also be downright demanding. If those days of work and hours in prayer continue without a reasonable result, we can end up exhausted both physically and spiritually. This is exactly what happened to Elijah.

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