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BLOG - Women in Ministry

Encouragement and Tools for women in leadership and tips for those who desire to support them

Filtering by Category: Struggles

Lower Fear's Volume

Jen Allee

I spoke at a women’s retreat recently and during the lunch break I had a crazy experience. I almost died. 

Dramatic, I know, but let me tell you the story. It’s a short one. Basically, I tried to swallow a piece of fajita meat and it lodged in my throat. Right there. At the table. I couldn’t get it to go down or come back up. It just sat there, filling up my airspace. Within seconds, panic was welling up within me. Two women leapt to my rescue, but at that moment I finally coughed hard enough to dislodge it.

Ten seconds of total fear. 

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If Your Marriage in Crisis

Kim Johnson

Divorce rates have been climbing and Christian marriages are not exempt. With increasing numbers, marital discord has been at an all-time high even before the pandemic. More and more this challenge is bringing increased calls from church members for counseling. What happens, however, if your marriage is the one in crisis? When a woman is invested in working alongside her pastor-husband, is part of a pastoral staff, or in another leadership position, the pressures of the calling can leave little strength to devote to her own relationships. So, what can you do if you find your marriage in crisis?

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