Submission Guidelines
We appreciate your interest in submitting an article to NEWIM.
Editorial Profile: NEWIM is an organization for women in ministry with an emphasis on encouraging Christian women in their walk with the Lord, providing resources for ministry, and connecting them for prayer. With a readership of over 1,000 women, NEWIM seeks to reach women globally, and articles may appear in our newsletter, on our website, or linked on social media.
Article Topics:
Short devotional thoughts
Ministry trends
Humorous ministry stories
Reviews of books suitable for women in ministry
Short essays or discussions on topics that inspire and encourage women in ministry
Submissions resembling an advertisement or promotional material will not be accepted.
Scripture Version: NEWIM uses the NIV version of Scripture as our standard. Other versions may be quoted and must be identified.
Sources Quoted: When quoting another's work, provide the author, title, date, or other identifying information.
All submissions must be in Microsoft Word, single spaced, 12 pt, Times New Roman.
Place only one space between sentences.
Use a hard return rather than an indent between paragraphs.
Do not place spaces before or after em dashes and en dashes.
Use lowercase for pronouns referring to God.
Include Bible references within sentences quoting Scripture. For example, “like a spring whose waters never fail” (Isaiah 58:11).
Word count: Submissions should be between 250 and 1000 words. Long submissions may be published on the NEWIM website with a portion being included in the newsletter.
Bio: Submissions must include a head shot and short bio with pertinent background information and a few sentences on how NEWIM has impacted you. Include your contact information or website if you’re open to being contacted by readers.
Deadline: Submission deadline is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month’s newsletter. However, submissions may be sent at any time with subjects suitable for a future month’s publication.
Rights and Permissions: By submitting an article, the author grants NEWIM permission to use it at will. Articles may be edited. Articles will be published at the discretion of the editor based upon suitable purposes and themes of the monthly newsletter.
Compensation: NEWIM does not pay for articles. We are happy to include a link to your blog or website in your bio. Articles submitted to NEWIM may be simultaneously submitted to other groups.
Where to Send: Please put ‘NEWIM newsletter’ in the subject line and attach the submission as a Microsoft Word document.