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Care Giving

 Actively Caring Through Sharing

Sharon Melancon, CEO and President

ACTS was founded for the purpose of providing encouragement, educational resources, support and a safe place for caregivers to share their “true feelings.”  ACTS provides a variety of free educational resources through literature, a lending library and outstanding speakers who address issues and provide solutions relating to care-giving.  Some of the topics covered have been:

  • Making Home Safe

  • Social Security and Medicare

  • Care-giving from a Male Perspective

  • Getting Your Legal Affairs in Order

  • What you Need to Know about Home Care versus Placement

ACTS support group meetings are held every 3rd Saturday of the month via Zoom from 11am-1pm (PST)
Please contact ACTS at 323-296-2975 or email: for details.

Women's Alzheimer’s Movement (WAM)

Maria Shriver

National Hartford Center of Gerantological Nursing Excellence,

Offering a host of resources for nurses and caregivers