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 Anger Management—Jesus Style Book Discussion | Sunday, Jan. 26, 2025, 3:30 - 4:30 PST

Kathy Collard Miller led nine of us in a discussion of her latest book, Anger, Jesus Style. Each of us had the opportunity to consider what was underlying our anger, in order that we may spot what was truly going on in our hearts that was preventing us from living in the fruit of the Spirit. Throughout the conversation, Kathy reminded us to look to Jesus, who didn’t respond in anger as we naturally would. She showed us that Jesus knew the Father, he knew his character, and could trust him in all circumstances.

“Thank you, Kathy for writing this book. It will be something I’ll refer to often. I so appreciate this time and the work you have done that we have/are benefiting from. God bless you!” - Amy

The Deepest Place online Book Discussion | Sunday, Feb. 16, 2025, 2-3 p.m. PST/ six women attended

HOPE, Curt Thompson says, is an ever-deepening attachment to Jesus and awareness of God's loving-kindness to us -- he is with us -- I have been declared right with God and he has joy in who we are. With the help of counseling, perhaps, and a vulnerable group of friends who can show us (embody for us) the grace of Jesus, we can live into our true identity and allow him to redeem our suffering for good. I love the idea that as I am willing to share my vulnerable self, I feel known and loved and grow deeper friendships that allow others to do the same.

The Springs Retreat (2 nights/6 meals) Santa Cruz, CA | Tues - Thurs, Feb. 4-6, 2025 | Learn More

Thirty-six women gathered at Villa Maria Del Mar for a lovely retreat. Twenty-two women from the NEWIM-Fuller Cohort made this their in-person retreat. The theme for the chapels was looking at the women in the New Testament who knew Jesus. The theme for the Cohort was Confession and Forgiveness. The two came together in a really beautiful way. Women wrote:

“The Lord drew me close to him and refreshed me with all of the silence and solitude. He showed me how important it is to have this time. The solitude and silence in the beautiful surroundings, along with the worship in the chapel allowed me to clearly hear the Lord calling me into a deeper relationship with him.”

“God really met me here. I feel centered again in his love for me. I was reminded to trust in him.” - Leah

“I consider this retreat as the Lord’s invitation to come to him and sit at his feet. He has refreshed me through Scriptures, chapel worship, and fellowship with other women.” - Ann