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Focus on the Family

Dr. James Dobson
Focus on the Family provides relevant, Christian advice on marriage, parenting and other topics. Find practical resources for every age and lifestage.

Parenting Your Adult Child:
How You Can Help Them Achieve Their Full Potential

Ross Campbell M.D. and Gary Chapman
Learn to deal with specific issues concerning your adult child.


Moms in Touch International

Mothers praying for children and schools

The Five Love Languages

Dr. Gary Chapman
Simple and practical ways to communicate love

Cloud –Townsend - Solutions for Life

Leadership, Family, Parenting, Counseling, Relationships, Spiritual Life, Marriage.

Family Life Today

Help for Today-Hope for Tomorrow
Dennis and Barbara Rainey
A family ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. Resources such as the Home Builders Couples Series, the Family Life Parenting Conference, Family Life ... (Send free e-cards)