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Should We Retreat Even Though People Need Us?

Should we retreat when leaving town impacts other people? What does the Bible say about retreating when there are people who need us?

My favorite Bible verse that addresses this question is:

Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (Luke 5:15-16 NIV). 

The Bible says that Jesus often withdrew. It was his practice to leave the crowds who wanted to be taught. He withdrew from people who were sick and needed to be healed. The Bible teaches us that Jesus retreated even though his work was not done. And if he needed to retreat, so must we.  

As a “people pleaser,” I have a hard time walking away from people who need me. If I were Jesus, would I have withdrawn from the needy crowds? Probably not, which is exactly why I need to retreat. 

I love to be needed. I have run myself ragged many times over the years because I needed to help needy people. I’m so grateful the Lord has been transforming me into his daughter who can say no at his leading. Retreats have helped me know I am loved even when I decide it’s best not to help. 

I hate to say no because I’ll disappoint someone. After all, am I not responsible for how good they feel about themselves? And if I disappoint them, they’ll think they aren’t important and valuable. It would make me feel sad to leave them. I like to avoid feeling sad. 

I’m afraid I’ll be gossiped about if I disappoint someone. Can I be a “good” Christian if I’m not strong enough in the Lord to say yes to everyone and every opportunity? But praise the Lord, I’m learning that “an opportunity is not necessarily God’s open door.” Just because I hear of a need doesn’t necessarily mean God is calling me to take care of it. Luke 5:15-16 reveals that at this point God, the Father, was not wanting his Son Jesus to meet these people’s particular needs. 

Just think. Needy people who could feel disappointed, unvalued, angry, and make wrong conclusions about Jesus’s heart might spread gossip about him. This is everything I want to avoid. Yet, Jesus withdrew. He followed his Father’s instructions moment by moment trusting his reputation was not in the hands of the disappointed people but in the capable hands of his Father. He walked away without any fear to have a time of retreating, refreshment, and a powerful prayer time by himself in a lonely place. 

And if Jesus needed to leave the crowds and withdraw to a lonely place for prayer, then how much more do I? God has worked in many ways to set me free from people pleasing. When he wants me to “retreat” or even just say “no” to an opportunity, the powerful two verses of Luke 5:15-16 have been immensely powerful for me. I have his permission to go on retreat. 

NEWIM offers the same kind of retreat Jesus needed, except it’s not in a lonely place. I love how NEWIM’s retreats are a combination of rejuvenation in a beautiful setting that includes good food, optional fellowship, and spiritual encouragement. You can choose whatever elements are best for you.


Kathy Collard Miller leads the NEWIM Writers Getaway along with Cindi McMenamin to give instruction and encouragement about writing for God’s glory. The program will give practical advice for writing articles and books. We will also discuss how to market your writing.  

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Learn about NEWIM’s 3-day contemplative retreats where everyone has hours to spend in silence and solitude at